Youth Ministry
Learn. Grow. Connect.
“Youth Ministry at the Auburn SDA Church offers a safe environment to grow and connect with peers and their church, along with an engaging Bible study and developing leadership talents. But most importantly, our deepest desire is for each of our youth to have an encounter with their personal Savior. A relationship with God and a heart of love is central in importance and we hope that as each child matures, their faith matures and their faith becomes their own.”

Weekly Youth Events
Youth Sabbath School
Each Saturday at 9:30am in the Youth Room across from the Sanctuary we get together as a youth group. We start with a quick breakfast provided by various church members and youth parents, which allows for some casual time for youth to connect with each other and catch up. Before we begin our Bible study, we have a check-in question where everyone has an opportunity to share and connect with others. It’s also helpful when we have any guests that day and that they feel welcomed and better acquainted with the group. Bible study is led in a discussion format where we seek to understand the purpose and role of our study text for the week and how we can apply and live it in our daily lives.
Annual Youth Retreats
Encounter. Mentor. Serve.

Junior/Senior Retreat
After the initial rush of the school year ends, our youth groups junior and senior students join others from all over the Northern California Conference to attend a spiritual retreat geared for them at Leoni Meadows. This weekend includes preaching, amazing food, fantastic games, and new friendships.
Location: October 20-23, 2023 at Leoni Meadows

Freshman/Sophomore Retreat
The first weekend in February we take our Freshmen and sophomore youth group members to Leoni meadows for the NCC sponsored Freshmen sophomore retreat. The weekend includes big games, small group Bible studies, fellowship, speakers, and food are all part of this weekend. Most of the weekend is student lead and coached by the NCC Youth Ministry Team.

Held Wednesday evening through Friday afternoon just prior to Freshman/Sophomore Retreat for high school juniors and seniors who are committed to Jesus are invited to apply to be part of the Fr/So Small Group Leadership team. Over a short period of time, these leaders receive instructions on how to facilitate small groups, lead Bible studies, and how to share their stories about what Jesus is doing in their lives. Mentoring, growing, and learning are the goals of this event.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6