Our Local Church History
In 1923, two or three faithful Seventh-day Adventists started meeting together in a room at a wrecking yard. The group soon outgrew the space and moved to the Masonic Hall above the Mortuary on Commercial Street. With 26 charter members, the Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Church was organized on November 10, 1928. Tired of airing out the smoke and cleaning up after Friday night parties, the group moved to the Boy Scout building off Hwy 49 where they met for 2 years and started a church school. They then moved to the First Baptist Church on East Placer Street, then to the Pioneer Methodist Church on Lincoln Way.
Dr. & Mrs. Kindopp donated property on Center Street to the church and thanks to the devoted and hard work of many members they celebrated their first Sabbath in the new church of their own church building on May 20, 1939. It was then dedicated a few years later in 1944, entirely free of debt. The church had a seating capacity of 250 but by April 15, 1961 it was necessary to hold two services each Sabbath. So, the 242 members moved to the Gilbert Auditorium on the campus of Pine Hills Junior Academy on Dairy Rd. in Auburn and began planning for a new church facility.
Eventually, the church on Center Street was sold and six long years later on August 9, 1969 the congregation moved into Phase 1 of its new church home at the current location worshipping in what is now the Youth Chapel. On November 10, 1973 the 45th anniversary of the Auburn SDA Church, services were held for the first time in the barely completed Phase 2 of the current sanctuary. The guest speaker for this special event was Elder H.M.S. Richards, Sr.
As we observe the Lord’s leading in the past history of this church we are filled with faith and confidence that the Lord will continue to guide, direct and bless it in the future.

To read more about the worldwide history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church please click here