Church Events
Building community, friendships and relationships through church socials, community events, campouts, and summer family vespers.
Christmas Social
During a Saturday evening in December, we come together as a church family to celebrate the Christmas season with carols, s’mores, gingerbread house making, games and a fun time together.

Filipino Food Fest
Our lead pastor, his wife, and kids enjoy having our church family over at their house once a year for an evening of food and fellowship. They, along with a team of Filipino families, prepare a vast array of Filipino ethnic food for all— with sundown worship, games, and informal visits besides.

Fallen Leaf Campout
Every year in September, the church spends a weekend out in the beautiful outdoors of South Lake Tahoe enjoying the scenery, worship, fellowship and fun together.

Grilled Cheese & Games Social
In early spring we gather in the Fellowship Hall for an informal meal of grilled cheese sandwiches and soup and participate in a variety of your favorite board games. All ages are welcome.

Summer Picnic
Subject to the weather, one of our late spring or summer Fellowship Meals is held in a local park as a church picnic with favorite picnic foods.

Summer Family Vespers
Each vespers is a fun and light-hearted get together for both parents and their kids which includes an activity, a fellowship meal, and family led worship.

New Year’s Eve Social
On December 31 we ring in the New Year with a shared meal and games. We ring in the New Year at 9:00pm with sparklers and Martinelli’s.