Dec '19

A Year of Full
Dec '19

By Pastor Dana Rae De Tar
To think that this year is nearly over. As I look back on this year, I compare it to John 10:10 as it says “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy’ I have come that they may have live, and have it to the full.” The Christmas season is a whirlwind of one holiday after another but I find it fitting that we have just celebrated the coming of Christ and are now entering into a season to reflect upon what the past year has held and the next year will hold. As I reflect upon this past year, my first full year on staff at Auburn Church, I see an abundant and full life lived.
Last year we started the year much like we’ll start this coming year, welcoming the new year with our New Year’s Eve Social! We welcomed in new life with sweet babies and new church family members with baptisms, dedications and commitments.
Together we have explored the uncharted territory that came with 2019. We embarked on more hikes, wonderful Sunday mornings at Sugar Pine Reservoir, epic camping adventures, and theme parks. We explored new ideas and continue to look for new ways to innovate and fine tune the implementation of our mission as a church family.
We have grown. Working with children it is hard to miss their rapid growth, but I can see many more ways we have grown. We have grown spiritually as we have embarked on this journey together, our ARC has gained a new building, the garden flourished with this year’s crop, and PEP was a smashing success!
We served together and we served one another. I am proud to be part of a church that takes service so seriously and beyond grateful for the hours of dedication put in by all our volunteers. Sabbath school leaders, greeters, the ARC and ACS, social committee, AV teams, praise teams, gardeners, the lists go on and on, each point referencing a team of people who have dedicated time and money given in service. Some of you have served for years and some are brand-new to the team, each act of service is a tremendous blessing!
There has also been rest, but maybe not enough. Especially with all the fullness of the Christmas season combined with an abundant year of exploration, growth, and service we cannot forget to rest. As celebrations lull momentarily before the New Year, I invite you to find time to rest and meditate on where God has brought fulness to you this past year. I for one have experienced God’s fullness through each of you.
Once again, thank you for being a part of the Auburn Church Family. We had a wonderful and full 2019 and we look forward to the blessings and plans that God has for us in 2020.
Pastor Dana Rae De Tar